My Story My History
About the Book

If somebody explains that a particular heritage building is valuable, will the value reside in your understanding and eternally ignite your appreciation? Often the information on the value of a heritage building comes from tourist guides, official local government information, and literature. When the holidays are over and the books are finished, our memories and even our appreciation also fade. Then our interaction with heritage buildings returns to before, we are no longer connected to those buildings. As a result, heritage buildings are left almost empty like artifacts, even though heritage buildings are spaces that should contain human activities and reinvented new stories and new values. This book describes a fun journey of when interior design methods guide you to explore a heritage building and construct your new personal meanings or revalue to address the contemporary challenge of heritage building preservation.
About The Writer: Ruth E. Oppusunggu

Ruth was educated, trained, and graduated as an architect at the Triskati University (UKI) and got a Master at the School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). In architectural practice Ruth are mostly acknowledged for Rumah Besi (steel house) that was nominated in 2011 Indonesian Architect Association Award – an experimental (sustainable) home that created within the urban kampong in South Tangerang, as an inspiration source for the surrounding community (,, Ruth has been an Interior Design lecturer in Interior Design Dept, School of Design, UPH since 2015 until now. She teaches Design, Society and Environment, Design in Context, Material Interior, etc. Ruth passion on make teaching exciting and experiencing for students, motivated her to wrote ‘My Story, My History – How Olveh will introduce you to revalue 101 our heritage’ with her co-author. The book aimed on making interactive learning historyby practicing and experiencing.
Seni dan Desain Partisipatoris
About The Book

Kota di Indonesia tersusun dari berbagai ragam ekspresi masyarakat yang saling berbaur, saling melengkapi sehingga membentuk ciri dan identitas yang khas. Buku ini memaparkan berbagai partisipasi warga dalam menciptakan keberlanjutan kampung kota. Data penelitian di beberapa kampung kota menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas partisipatoris merupakan proses perwujudan identitas bersama yang menghubungkan warga dengan lingkungannya dan dengan kearifan lokalnya. Proses partisipatif dapat menumbuhkan kesadaran masyarakat, menghasilkan apresiasi terhadap nilai-nilai budaya serta mendorong masyarakat untuk mengembangkan lingkungannya. Buku ini merekomendasikan model seni dan desain partisipatif ‘Re-Visit’ sebagai strategi pemberdayaan masyarakat. Pendekatan model ini bersifat inklusif dan kolaboratif, melibatkan berbagai komunitas seni dan komunitas lokal. Tujuan dari model partisipatif ‘Re-Visit’ adalah untuk menanamkan rasa memiliki sehingga tercipta keberlanjutan kota, dengan harapan jejaring sosial seni semakin meluas dan berdampak pada kreativitas di berbagai ruang kota Indonesia.
About The Writer: Dr. Ernest Irwandi, S.Sn., M.Ds.

Visual Communication Design Lecturer School of Design, Universitas Pelita Harapan
Ernest Irwandi adalah dosen tetap di Universitas Pelita Harapan Fakultas Desain, Program Studi Desain Komunikasi Visual sejak 2006 hingga saat ini. Mengajar di bidang Desain Komunikasi Visual, Fotografi, Sejarah Seni dan Desain dan Design Methodology. Selain itu Ernest Irwandi adalah Peneliti di bidang Seni dan Desain Partisipatif, Place Branding, Representasi Identitas Budaya dalam Desain dan Seni Rupa, serta Desain dan Kebudayaan.